Case Studies
In the following sections, we present brief descriptions of a selection of
projects that Ximpo Group successfully completed in the last years.
These are intended to provide a general idea of the vast business and technical
scope of experience we can provide to your company.
These projects are significantly different in complexity, technologies,
platforms and methodologies involved. Some were aimed at developing for a
specific hardware platform or software environment, while others involved
porting existing systems, or rearchitecting a specific solution.
By working as an extension to your business, Ximpo Group's seasoned
analysts, consultants and experts competently provide the optimal approach to
the required solution.
Our unique intellectual capital includes hands-on experience in all levels of
software implementation, from system programming, including kernel and low-level
through application and user-interface development, to web-based application
To help you find what interests you, we have classified the projects by areas of
expertise, as follows:
Of course, as most projects are multi-disciplinary, are included in
more than one category.
Ximpo Group's experts let you focus on the really important
things... Your business !