Products & Services
Our products and services are all based on a carefully balanced mix of quality
Open-Source projects and commercial packages (when needed), with the addition
of a specific tailoring to the actual needs of our customers.
This has allowed us to produce:
- The best match to the required features and performance.
- Minimal maintenance and administration demands.
- Short time frames.
- Low costs.
Our set of products and services are build with the IT market future in mind.
A future where products:
- Use simple, common-off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware
- Are built around the proven and stable GNU/Linux Operating System
- Rely mainly on Open-Source to reduce licensing costs
- Are Replicable - minimal or zero licensing costs
- Use non Open-Source only where needed functionality is lacking in open-source
- Use standard technologies and protocols to ensure maximum compatibility
- Require minimal Administration and Maintenance costs
Ximpo Group provides the following products and services:
- Hosting and management of:
- IOTzilla:
InterOperability Tracking system.